Tulsa Attorney For Unplanned Pregnancies
No matter the age of the mother, raising a child is a life-altering decision. There are enormous time and financial commitments that will likely modify any plans the biological mother might have had for her own future. Unplanned pregnancies can add much more stress as no forethought has been put into creating the new family unit. In these situations, it might be wise to discuss the option of adoption with an experienced lawyer.
Many pregnant women are unaware of the commitment necessary or are unprepared for how swiftly life changes when children become involved. At the law firm of Paul E. Swain, PLC, attorney Swain has the experience to provide valuable insight into the challenges that might await a young mother. Often a pregnant woman will consider placing her child for adoption. Attorney Swain can answer these questions and work to alleviate a mother’s fears regarding her child’s future.
Oklahoma Pregnancy Choices Attorney
As a skilled Tulsa lawyer for unplanned pregnancies, Paul E. “Trip” Swain is prepared to discuss your unique situation at length during a confidential, no-cost consultation. He will listen to your concerns and provide direction based on his experience and a long history of satisfied clients. It is not his goal to sway your decision for or against adoption, but to simply help you understand the facts and the obstacles you might face. Many biological mothers ultimately decide that adoption is the right choice for their child’s future.
Do not face an unplanned pregnancy alone. Contact a knowledgeable attorney for advice, guidance and representation throughout.
Contact Paul E. “Trip” Swain III to schedule a free consultation at 918-599-0100.
Contact the law firm of Paul E. Swain, PLC, to schedule a free and confidential consultation. The firm offers flexible hours to meet your needs. Credit cards are accepted. Call the office at 918-599-0100.