How Adoptive Parents Are Selected
Biological mothers are concerned about placing their children in safe, loving homes with the right adoptive parents. While this might seem like a long, frustrating process, Paul E. Swain will work with all parties as well as social workers, investigators and child care professionals to guide the process.
At the law office of Paul E. Swain, PLC, clients are commonly concerned about how adoptive parents are selected. Typically, biological parents and adoptive parents are matched through the use of “Life Books.” A Life Book is sometimes referred to as a “profile,” but it is actually a small book that includes text and pictures of the adoptive family, extended family and family activities. The purpose of the book is to allow the reader to get an idea of what life would be like for a child in that particular family. Paul E. “Trip” Swain strives to help biological mothers feel comfortable and confident about the adoptive parents.
How To Find A Family For My Baby
While many matches are made based on the Life Books, it is not uncommon for birth mothers to rely on additional information to help in the decision-making process. Sometimes, biological mothers will wish to meet several families in person before making a decision. Once the match is made, it is up to the two families to decide how much “openness” they want in the future relationship.
An experienced Tulsa adoption attorney can answer complex and personal questions regarding obstacles and the adoption process. The lawyer at Paul E. Swain, PLC, consults with people who want to adopt and provides them with information about the kinds of adoptions available. Many times the match has been made before the firm gets involved in the adoption. Whether the two parties have been matched by an agency, family or friends or they need the firm’s assistance in the match, do not hesitate to contact the firm to determine what needs to be done to complete the adoption.
Contact Paul E. “Trip” Swain III to schedule a free consultation at 918-599-0100.
Contact the law firm of Paul E. Swain, PLC, to schedule a free and confidential consultation. The firm offers flexible hours to meet your needs. Credit cards are accepted. Call the office at 918-599-0100.